Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hey, Pinterest has some good lesson ideas!

                            My dear followers as you know I am going to be a art teacher one day. So I am here to teach all you future teachers out there that the website Pinterest is perfect for coming up with any lesson plan. How will you show us Ms. Astronomer, you may ask? Well by example of course! So here we go here's a lesson plan that I came up with using a idea on Pinterest.
First off, I know that most of us people are on Pinterest already and have looked at all the stuff it has to ofter. But as a future Art Teacher even I need a little bit of idea sparkier ever now and again so I when on to the website Pinterest and type "Art Lessons for High School" after doing this many little pictures and possible lessons came up to my view. But this one here caught me eye.

Then it hit me I had done this project and it would make the perfect project to do for high school subject. So here the lesson plan I had in mind.  
Students will create a Self-Portrait using different types of line techniques in a grid. Each square of the grid must use a different type of line to draw the Self-Portrait. Once drawn out the composition will show that all of the grid squares are filled and the Self-Portrait of the Student.
Simple right? Then after HOURS of typing out the lesson plan with the standards, objectives, and steps which is right here.

Here's the Lesson Plan. 

 and here's the Rubric for the lesson 

 I did my own lesson step by step and here's we happened step by step.
1.     Step1- Cutting the board.- Once the Students have you Stonehenge mat board they would go the back of my classroom to use the mat board cutter then measure out with a ruler 7 inches by 10 inches and cut the board. (Or I would get per-cut board which is what I did for when I did this assignment) 

1.    Step2-  Measuring out a border. - Once they mat board is cut they would go back to you work area and get out a ruler. First measure out ½ an inch away from the edge of the board, once marked they would take the ruler and draw a straight line at was marked do this to each side till you have a ½ inch border around the 7X10 board. Once they had the border the out of the way they would take one of your pens and draw over the pencil lines border. The last thing is to would take eraser and erase all the pencil lines.

1.     Step 3-  Making a grid. – Taking their pencil and start with the longer side of the board they would measure down the side ½ an inch all the way down. Then using the rule as a straight edge draw lines across the board at the ½ inch marks. Do this to the short side of the board as well and draw line up and down the board till they would have a grid. Unlike the border DO NOT ink the grid line.

1.    Step 4-  Pick a Photo of themselves . - To make this a Self-Portrait they would need to get a photo of just themselves to draw. It has to be a recent photo (that means if it wasn't taken in the last two years they can’t use it. Here's the picture I used)

1.    Step 5  Outline.-Now they would have to draw out the photo that they picked on the board with a pencil so that they would have a nice outline to go off of for when you’re drawing the lines. Being sure to remember that where they had to be mindful of where they put their outline is very important make sure not to make the piece of artwork to heavy in areas or not heavy enough find a place that is balanced and even.

1.     Step 6- Time to do some line work! - Now that they have the outline it time was to use all the types of line that are shown in the examples that were proved .

      Then they would use a different line technique in each grid.  Remembering to look back at the photo to see the different shades and shapes that could make coming up with different line techniques easier. They couldn't draw in the border!!! Also they would be reminded to have fun filling all the grid squares they could can even draw little drawings.

  Step 7-  After all of that was done with that they would take an eraser and erase all pencil marks so it looked clean. Then, bang! They're done with the project. 


So as you can see Pinterest can give you so many ideas! Plus you can change the lesson to fit your class's need. Like in my lesson I change the board size from 12X24 to 7X10 to make it easier on the students also I didn't have my students did have to use the overly messy and not fun to use Indiana Ink to save time. All and all from start to finish the project took me about five hours which in school time would be a week long assignment so the students have enough time to complete the assignment.

So now we come to  the end of my rant and such I hope you learned a thing or two and got to see my art teacherness in action. So that's all from yours truly 'The Crazed Astronomer'!  

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